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 I am a broadly trained human-environment geographer with specializations in feminist, health, and agro-food geographies.


I draw heavily on science and technology studies, medical anthropology, and critical development studies in my research and teaching.


I have over 7 years of research experience across North India investigating sustainable agriculture, health, gender, and food and nutrition security. I have two years experience working in the NGO sector in India prior to beginning my academic career.


My research examines the complex interplay among processes of human health and wellbeing, ecological change, and everyday sociospatial relations.


I am interested in the political-economic and socio-cultural logics that underwrite certain international development policies, with a particular focus on the spatial effects and affects of global health  and development policies in action. I trace these policies to see how they are understood, enacted, and come to matter in the everyday lives of all sorts of human and nonhuman bodies.



Carly Nichols Bio



I am originally from Madison, WI but have grown to love the deserts and monsoons of both India and Arizona. In my free time I like to be outside, try new cooking experiments, relax with music, or get caught up on podcasts. 

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